

ankane/blazer Business intelligence made simple


podcast from Alie Ward

Indigenous Fashionology (NATIVE CLOTHING) with Riley Kucheran Fashion! Trends! Not really! This lively chat with Riley Kucheran, an Assistant Professor of Design Leadership at Ryerson University’s School of Fashion, covers everything from the history of industrialized clothing manufacture to current Indigenous designers he loves, political statements through beadwork, Indigenous art markets, and a dissection of Coachella headdresses. From Biigtigong Nishnaabeg Nation, Riley also describes his experiences climbing the corporate ladder in the fashion retail world vs. learning from elders and advising younger students during land-based education, while tanning hides in the bush.



tenderlove/esp8266aq ESP8266 and Plantower AQ sensor



gtanner/qrcode-terminal QRCodes in your terminal, cause thats hot.


podcast from The Long Now Foundation

Lonny J Avi Brooks: When is Wakanda: Imagining Afrofutures “As a forecaster and Afrofuturist who imagines alternative futures from a Black Diaspora perspective, I think about long-term signals that will shape the next 10 to 100 years.” —Dr. Lonny J Avi Brooks Dr. Brooks develops and promotes a wider Afrocentric perspective that champions Black storytelling and imagination, to push beyond the colonial mindset into an expanded vision of possible futures. Through his work with the Black Speculative Arts Movement, The Afrofuturist Podcast which he started with Ahmed Best, Institute for the Future, Fathomers, Dynamicland and others, Brooks aims to diversify and democratize the building of the future.


podcast from Paul Cooper

11. Byzantium - Last of the Romans On the outskirts of modern Istanbul, a line of ancient walls lies crumbling into the earth… In this episode, we look at one of history’s most incredible stories of survival - the thousand-year epic of the Byzantine Empire. Find out how this civilization suffered the loss of its Western half, and continued the unbroken legacy of Rome right through the middle ages. Hear about how it formed a bridge between two continents, and two ages, and learn how the impregnable walls of Constantinople were finally brought crashing to the ground.



github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator Automatically generate change log from your tags, issues, labels and pull requests on GitHub.



diafygi/webcrypto-examples Web Cryptography API Examples Demo: https://diafygi.github.io/webcrypto-examples/



amark/gun An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data.



irislib/iris-lib Library for encrypted GUN channels and contact list management