Guides on how to get things done.
- February 2025
Running flux locally on a mac lets get those gpus running
Fonts with NextJS its easy but i needed to work it out
Supabase Vercel Starter lets clone the world
- January
Setting up OSX machine get everything up and running quickly
- 2024
- November
Astro and Obsidian easy editing
- October
Slicing up a design from figma close but not really
- September
Quick slide show who needs a server or anything fancy
How to make opengraph screenshots for hugo it sure looks a lot nicer!
Creating a start page launch pad for all the things
No build static site that used supabase who needs tooling
- August
Building a blog using github issues what else can we do with github actions
Building a site with nuejs not quite static, but very small
LLM Tool calls getting it to talk back
Create a telegram ollama client why not?
Command line parsing in typescript its no thor but its ok
- July
Adding react-email to a nextjs app
Adding authentation with clerk make it simple
- June
How to use pako with vite javascript string encoding is simply insane
Recreating notepadtab how small can we go?
- April
Basic LLM Chat UI the base of a few experiments
Geocoding with ollama using json schema
- March
Programming with ollama automated interaction
Making a JSON api from a CSV file using fly download, process, serve, update
Deploying OSMR runs pretty fast locally
Quick static site template Rapid and disposable prototyping
Making a web component by scratch progressive enhancement
Using Datasette to map out charger locations makes it easy to share
POSSE rss to mastodon keep it local and then share
- 2023
- July
Thorsh: Thor, but for bash simple bash cli scripting
Buildless websites
Emacs Blogging mode take 2 emacs and hugo sitting in a tree
- June
Build on git push build your own stuff
Using caddy docker proxy straight from the dockerfiles
Setting up emacs re-re-dux What is more fun that configuring emacs?
- May
Summarizing URLs with ChatGPT save yourself some reading time
- 2022
- January
Using ActiveRecord outside of rails just the rake
- 2021
- December
Pulling avatars from slack Basic bot integration
Running SQLite in the browser using NextJS Why not?
Setting up digital ocean spaces to upload Gotta work on my upload scrips
Receiving CloudEvents with NextJS One file to rule them all
Setting up knative eventing lets send some messages
NextJS with Prisma on Kubernetes deploy as a knative service
Serving a knative function on the root root to services
- November
Setting up knative functions functions functions
K8 Dashboard on Docker Desktop what’s going on
Getting emacs working on OSX Monterey security and permissions
- August
Wrapping a executable in a function Easy function wrapping
Uploading to S3 on the command line throwing data into a bucket
- July
Rails on Kubernetes with TLS certmanager
Setting up GitHub Actions for Continuous Integration automating all of the things
- June
Deploying OpenFaaS on Digital Ocean with Terraform Everything functional
- May
Controlling docker in golang So meta
- April
SQL in Org-Mode Everything in org-mode
SQLite in the browser pushing everything to the client
Setting up emacs for typescript development If we are going to bother with static types, might as well use them
- March
CLOCViz Run some vizualizations on a repo
Emacs Blog Writing and Navigation Mode emacs and hugo sitting in a tree
asdf as environment manager so much faster
Database Migrations what should I do when not using rails
- February
Uploading Blobs Simple datastore
Building static OpenFaas templates Packaging up the packager
Interacting With Git via HTTP Looking at git http traffic
Installing faasd cgi was good, serverless is better
- 2020
- November
Tailwind and Rails postcss setup
Rails in Docker Why install ruby locally?
- October
Release code diffs What changes between releases
Looking at package.json making sense of package-lock.json
- September
Looking at Gemfiles making sense of Gemfile.lock
- August
gitlog in sqlite sql is great
Using Askgit SQL is so nice
- July
Setting up SSB-Pub Server and migrate your profile
- June
Checking health of RSS feeds Lets clean out the old stuff
Using Syncthing who needs servers
Developing React Inside Docker Clean up after your mess
Beginning Emacs Rediscovering emacs
- March
Emacs Tramp tricks Replacing terminals with emacs
- February
Making charts with VueJS and no tooling Static files all the way
Playing with tailwindcss An excersize in minimilism
- January
Template to setup a linode server with DNS and HTTPS use terraform to coordinate stuff
- 2019
- December
Terraform and Packer with Digital Ocean Automate all the things
Computer Setup Script Setup Linux or Chromebook quickly
- September
Setting up an IPFS Node using docker-compose and certbot
- August
Using Org Mode in Hugo emacs everywhere
- July
Installing guix on IntelNUC using the hardware you have, even if we are nonfree
- May
Reverse engineering APIs using Chrome Developer Tools its your data after all
- April
Controlling IKEA Tradfri devices from your computer IKEA is cheap and everywhere
Playing with cabal serverless code
Setting up Indieweb Homepage the dream of the nineties is alive on the indieweb
Easy scraping with httpie and jq Pulling my GitHub starred repositories into Hugo
Bootstrapping a react app with bootstrap and font awesome
- March
Setting up a chromebook for development Documenting my steps
- January
Setting up IPFS on a chromebook Connecting to the world
- 2018
- November
Image Manipulation in Firebase its all javascript
Implementing Serverless OAuth for JAM Stacks and static sites
- October
Adding Facebook Login with react you can’t escape it
Adding a CMS to hugo Static doesn’t mean dead
Building a hugo site and theme with Bootstrap hugo is blazing fast
- 2017
- December
Authenticated routes using react-router an expirement
Styling and theming with material-ui: React + Material Design hrmph
- November
Styling and theming with rmwc: React + Material Design material design
Writing code on a chromebook a phone-like laptop
- 2016
- October
Save your Medium articles to your computer in markdown sync everything
- 2015
- September
Using seed to explore APIs overview of what we’re working on and how to explore apis
- July
Building a GUI for managing middleman blogs the site will still be fast, really fast
- June
Adding search to a middleman blog slightly simplier than google
- January
Setting up Rails testing with rspec, devise, and the gang so much fun
Setting up Devise with Twitter and Facebook and other Omniauth schemes without email addresses Connect connect connect
- 2014
- December
Using rake for dataflow programming and data science Rake it like’s hot
Building Middleman Extensions make middleman more awesome
Dateslice: Writing rails extensions adding date group_by to ActiveRecord
Pulling data out of Google Analytics see who’s talking about your stuff
- November
Building Sites with Middleman lean publishing
Scripting Twitter: Collecting Data and Writing Bots adding another client to socialinvestigator
Personal information from only a URL what can automated tools find out
Making a command line utility with gems and thor Any excuse to the use the phrase “Hammer of the Gods”
Bootstrap: Advanced Grid Tricks You really should be defining your own classes