This is where I write down the things that I explore, so that I can find them later.
- March 2025
Telegram Build Bot Easier notifications
- February
astro and shadcn new tailwind version
Using Github CLI Maybe it’s faster, lets see
Weebo chat on your computer everything run locally
- January
llm cli tool put it in your workflow
Autorun tasks on vscode startup just a little bit easier
Adding a font to astro very simple
have openai help you use the terminal slipping in some ai everywhere
asciinema for terminal recordings show don’t tell
Open-WebUI to use ollama have a nice little command center
- 2024
- December
Load enviroments the nextjs way for scripts
- November
Fixing vite errors when on github pages save you the google
Adding seo and social to astro Simple stuff but its important
Talking to a tesla over bluetooth limited functionality
- September
Seperate git for blog writing i always forget
- August
Roda + Sequel maybe its time to move past sinatra
Telegram with curl so easy to send messages
Using act to test github actions locally code on microsofts dime
Playing with streamlit visualizing your data
Playing with Vercel AI SDK is this easier than langchain?
Using python venv in docker ruby and python, sitting in a tree
degit to template projects nice way to clone
vite-bundle-visualizer why is my build so big
Accessing clerk from ruby backends dont matter
Using clerk with vite and static site Maybe we don’t really want all of that nextjs
- July
Coding with aider how much can it figure out for you
Clerk webhooks begining the events
Sending email with react-email its nicer to use their interative builder but why not just the simple thing
Using 1password from a script better than keeping keys around
- June
Installing a go binary right from the source
Checking fetch for error why is this so hard
- May
Chromadb on adding some auth
Converting a webpage to something usable not sure if it can be done
- April
Programmatically Interacting with LLMS different techniques for local, remote, rag and function calling
Readability and JSDOM took me a while to get this little code
Streaming responses from ollama really any fetch thing
Image upload with node storing on a seperate directory why do anything so fancy as S3
Vite and express development javascript all the way down
- March
Deploying ollama on scale to zero
Using pushState and replaceState better linking
Leaflet markers with vite build
Deploying static vite site on fly silly silly
shoelace and vite adding static assets
Playing with openrouteservice-js learning about mapping
Address already in use lsof
Deploying puppeteer on
Installing sqlite-utils on bookworm missing dependencies
Wait for the download to finish with puppeteer Page.downloadProcess
Port 5000 already open on OSX airplay receiver
Ruby crashes on more memory
- February
AI in Emacs everything in emacs
Running Google Gemma Locally in which i discover ollama
- 2023
- September
Sinatra with activerecord small json server apps
- July
Indexing a hugo site using pagefind static all the way down
erb static site builder single file templating system
Flushing DNS cache on OSX I keep forgetting
Using ruby netssh Connect to a server
Playing with unocss Slimmer than tailwind, but still cool
Updating date in org file simple and fun
Watching a directory for changes simple job queue
- June
Installing gitolite Intercepting git
Installing old ruby on Ventura back in time
Deploying a private docker registry Deployment testing
Using the cloudflare API setting A records ez
Controlling Hetzner with CLI Simple wrapper scripts
Playing with SSHKit Deployment testing
Using Mrsk Deployment testing
- April
Using lastpass from CLI or script better than keeping files around
- 2022
- January
Snowpack for fast builds react and tailwind too
- 2021
- May
Sending files with wormhole tools I didn’t know
- April
Bootstrapping React with Tailwind as so I remember
- March
Installing emacs on buster so many ways to get software
- February
Setting up redis and nat-connector with FaasD Storage for your functions
Docker One Liners Why install
- January
Logging with an HTTP Proxy Simple MITM debugging
- 2020
- November
rails uuid primary key Slightly more obscure
- July
Getting Websters More glorious language
- June
Upgrading emacs on debian fixing crashes
Simple CORS workaround for local development Keep is Simple
IPFS and Fuse the worlds data in your filesystem
Playing with deno Rethinking package managers
- April
Book Image Shortcode for Hugo Lets link to bookshop
- March
Styling tables with Hugo Markdown sometimes isn’t enough
- January
Styling Hugo Diffs Showing just what you changed
- 2019
- April
Splitting Git Repos and Work Directories all the fun things git can do
Building a slimmer go Docker container All we need is the binary
- 2018
- October
Automating hugo builds using CircleCI Let someone else run your build server
- 2017
- December
Getting firebase and grpc working under termux tilting at windmills
- 2016
- July
Deploying ActionCable on Heroku with Sidekiq you’re gonna need a bigger redis
- 2015
Receiving posted JSON with Sinatra small tricks to make things easier
Bower with Rails Javascript dependancies and sprockets
- May
OSX Script for Kiosk Mode make your own screen saver
- 2014
- December
Middleman Tricks and Hacks specific tricks I used to build this site
- November
New HappySeed released now with even more awesome
Embedding 3d models on your page Github is awesome
Making Yosemite Faster something is up with WindowServer