Tag: docker
- February 2025
Living in mktemp and git and codespaces Everything is throw away until it isn’t
- January
Open-WebUI to use ollama have a nice little command center
- 2024
- August
Using python venv in docker ruby and python, sitting in a tree
- April
Vite and express development javascript all the way down
- March
Deploying OSMR runs pretty fast locally
- 2023
- June
Build on git push build your own stuff
Using caddy docker proxy straight from the dockerfiles
Deploying a private docker registry Deployment testing
- 2021
- November
K8 Dashboard on Docker Desktop what’s going on
- May
Controlling docker in golang So meta
- February
Uploading Blobs Simple datastore
Docker One Liners Why install
- 2020
- November
Rails in Docker Why install ruby locally?
- June
Developing React Inside Docker Clean up after your mess
- March
Emacs Tramp tricks Replacing terminals with emacs
- February
Leveraging disposability for exploration how to play around without leaving a mess
- 2019
- September
Setting up an IPFS Node using docker-compose and certbot
- July
Installing guix on IntelNUC using the hardware you have, even if we are nonfree
- April
Building a slimmer go Docker container All we need is the binary
- March
Setting up a chromebook for development Documenting my steps